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Scientific proof that ALLAH exists? Very Interesting

Allah is God. If God does not exist then why do i? If my father didnt exist, would i be here? Scientists say that the world was created by a "Big Bang". This big bang must of course happened for a reason. If there was nothing, then how could a random bang appear? They say, all there was, was a single point, which had the density of 0, and basically, a pointless dot. From this dot, somehow a bang occurred. This doesn't make sense, how can something happen from nothing? If i was to put a glass on a table, and made sure that nothing made it move, or shake, or anything, if i went back to the glass, would i find it shattered? Or just sitting at where i had placed it? The beauty of our universe, if the Earth was placed even 1mm to where it is now, we would be drifting forever. So it happened to have been formed and placed in the exact place?

If your argument is about us seeing God with our eyes, then i can give a quote from Albert Einstein. (from what remember) "You say that God doesn't exist because we cannot see him, then your mind doesnt exist. I cannot see your mind, so therefore it doesn't exist because i cannot see it and never will be able to". Here when he talks about the mind, he doesnt mean the actual brain, he means the thinking and stuff. angel.png Also, there are many things we cannot see using our eyes, i have never seen the wind. Have you? I have never seen an Alien before, does it mean that they are not there? Iv never seen you, does that mean you dont exist?

And mainly, why i believe in God, is because of the fact that i believe everything has its own purpose. NOTHING in this life is meaningless, NOTHING. Even wrappers you see in the ground have a purpose to them, even the dirt on the streets has its purpose. Even an Ant, possibly one of the smallest and harmless creatures has a purpose in life. Things may not always go according to plan, but it has its meaning. Like i heard from a shaykh in the Mosque, he told us a story, "An Iraqi man was forced to fight against the Iranians during the Iran-Iraq war. He hated this, he didn't like the fact that he had to kill his own Muslim brothers. So in the battle-field, he decided to run away, to get away from all this. So he started to run and the Iraqi soldiers chased after him, he got to a point where there was a ditch, so whilst he was running he prayed to Allah, please let me get away. He tried to jump the ditch, but didnt make it, he fell and injured himself. So the Iraqi's punished him for running away by removing one of his eyes. He was very dissapointed in Allah. Several years later, when the war was over, he and his friends where going to Afghanistan (i think), when a bunch of Wahhabi extremists, killed each one of his friends infront of them, as they say its Halal to kill the Shia. When they got to him, the leader said, as i can see that your already suffered enough and that your blind, i will let you go." I refuse to believe something like this could happen by chance.


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